提高英语(每日一词 | raise 详解)

逐日一词 | raise 详解


逐日一词 | raise

初中 高中 CET4 CET6 考研

英 [re?z] 美 [re?z]

逐日一词 _ raise 音频.mp31:39来自英语周报


1. She stood there watching the flag being raised.



2. Two incidents in recent days have raised the level of concern.



3. Now, Hollis, 17, has raised more than $530,000 for the hospital through her program, Juggling for Jude, and has her sights set on getting other kids involved.

如今,17岁的Hollis经过她的项目“Juggling for Jude”为病院筹集了53万多美元,并着眼于让其他孩子到场过来。


4. Born on 3 September 2003 to a Chinese mother and an American father, Gu was raised by her mother and her grandmother.



5. “They are meant to raise questions about where we are going. What is our role as humans if so much can be replicated through technology?”





1. to lift or move something to a higher position

2. to increase the amount or level of something

3. to collect money

4. to introduce a subject that needs to be talked about or dealt with

5. to look after a child or an animal until it’s grown up


1. 举起;上升;使上升

2. 提高;增长;提升

3. 筹(款)

4. 养育;豢养;莳植

5. 惹起;处理


lift: v. to raise somebody / something or be raised to a higher position or level

intensify: v. to increase in degree or strength; to make something increase in degree or strength

obtain: v. to get something, especially by making an effort

advance: v. to move forward towards somebody / something, often in order to attack or threaten them or it


1. 这句话中的raise为何意?

The plans for the new development have raised angry protests from local residents.

这句话中的raise为何意?(单选)单选举起;上升;使上升6提高;增长;提升14筹(款)3惹起;处理84养育;豢养;莳植7114 人到场 投票已完毕

2. 你可否准确翻译出这句话的涵义呢?试一试,在留言区写下去吧!

3. 你还对哪个词感兴致,也可以留言报告我们!

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