hurt的过去式(人教新目标八(下)Unit 1知识点——hurt,thank)

人教新目标八(下)Unit 1知识点——hurt,thank



He hurt his right knee. 他伤了右膝。

I hope you haven’t hurt yourself. 渴望你没有受伤。

(2) hurt 既可指肉体上的损伤,也可指精力上、情感上的损伤。比如:

You hurt her feelings when you said she was fat. 你说她胖,损伤了她的情感了。

I don’t mean to hurt you. 我并非故意损伤你。


My feet hurt when I walk. 我走路时脚疼。

I caught a cold and my head hurt. 我伤风了并且头痛。


If you don’t conform to the traffic laws, you might get hurt.假如不恪守交通法例,则约莫受伤。

John offered an embarrassed, almost hurt expression.约翰的脸上现出一种困顿以及几乎是自傲心遭到损伤的心情。

The local agricultural economy was hurt by the severe storms last spring.


The experience left me with a feeling of deep hurt.这段履历给我心灵上留下了严峻的创伤。

Ouch! That hurt even worse!哎唷!这一次更痛了!

(6)be hurt被(他人)损伤

cut/hurt oneself doing sth.做某事伤人本人


①thank用作名词表现“感激”时,只用复数情势,不必奇数情势。若要加语气,名词thanks偶尔可用many, a thousand等修饰。

Thanks for listening.谢谢收听。

We expressed our thanks.我们表达了本人的谢意。

My wife also asks to join her greeting and thanks.我妻子也要我顺致她的问候和感激。

A thousand thanks for your invitation.十分感激你的约请。

Many thanks for your letter of 17 March.十分感激您3月17日的来信。

②thank用作动词,感激。thank sb (for sth/doing sth)由于(做)某事感激或人

We thanked them for all their help.我们感激他们的协助。

Thank God/goodness/heaven(s) 谢天谢地(用以表现松心或安慰)

Thank God you’re safe!谢天谢地,你安全无事!

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