

1. eager adj. 巴望的 be eager for sth be eager to do

2. earn v. 挣;博得; arn a living /earn one’s living

she earns the respect of her students.

3. easy adj. Easier said than done 说时容易做时难

Take it easy 别急,轻松

4. ◎educate v. 教导, 培养

educated a. 受过教导的 an educated person

education n. 教导 receive a good education

5. effect n. 影响,后果

cause and effect 因果 bring sth into effect 使奏效

come into effect 奏效 take effect 开头起作用,奏效

have a … effect on sb/sth 对或人、某物有….影响

The medicine soon took effect.

New controls come into effect next month.

v. affect Does television affect children’s behaviour?

Does television have an effect an children’s behaviour?

6.effort n. 积极 make an effort /make every effort/ make efforts做出积极

spare no effort(s) 专心努力

7. elder n 父老;尊长;adj 年岁较长的(只做定语)elder sister 大姐

Children have no respect for their elders nowadays.

8. ●elect (投票)推举

v. elect sb.(as)… an elected leader/representative

n. election win/lose a election run for election 到场竞选

9. ◎ 1)electrical a. 电的,电器的 lectrical equipment/engineer

2)electric 用电的,电动的 electric current 电流electric shock 电击 electric blanket

3) electronic 电子的 electronic calendar

10. else adj 别的/其他的(做后置定语)or else 不然

You can use somebody else’s car.

Who else can do it?

11. ◎embarrass v. 使为难embarrassed -embarrassing –embarrassment

embarrass sb. feel embarrassed about

12. ◎emergency n. 告急情况 in case of (an) emergency

13. ◎encouragement n. 勉励

encourage sb to do sth

14. end n.末了;尽头;完毕 v.完毕;停止

bring sth to an end end up in failure

put an end to sth end up doing

come to an end end up with

15. ◎ energetic a. 精力繁茂的,精力丰沛的 energetically adv.

energy n. 精力 be full of energy

16. enough n 充足 adj充足的/富裕的 ad充足地/富裕地

I can’t thank you enough.=I can’t thank you too much.

old enough to go to school

There are enough chairs for the guests.

17. enter vt进入 ,到场 entrance 入口,开学

enter a room enter for …报名到场…

enter the competition the entrance to the hall

the college entrance exanimation 大学开学测验

18. ◎ enthusiastic a. 热情的,热心的 enthusiastically adv.

be enthusiastic about

19. ●entry 进入 Countries seeking entry into the European Union.

20. ◎environment n. 情况 protect the environment environmentally friendly

21. envy vt/ n妒忌/倾慕 envy sb sth the envy of sb

22. equal adj同等的,相反的 vt即是 be equal to sth/doing equal the world record

23. ●equip vt.提供装备;装备;装备 ________,_________

equip …with be fully equipped

The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing.

equipment (不成数)装备/装备 a piece of equipment

24.escape v / n 逃跑,逃脱escape +n/doing躲避… escape from …逃离(地点)

a narrow escape

26. every other day= every second day= every two days 每隔一天、每两天

every few days 每几天

27.exact adj 准确的 to be exact 确切的说

exactly adv准确地 This is exactly what he needs.

28.examine vt反省/诊察 have one’s eyes examined

29.example n 典范 set an example to/for sb

take sth for example follow sb’s example

30. except prep除…之外

His composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.

I didn’t tell him anything except that I needed the money.

31. ◎ exchange 互换,互换,交换

n.1)fair exchange 公平的互换

2) in exchange 作为互换 He gave me a book and I gave him a pen in exchange

3) in exchange for sth 和…互换 I took his watch in exchange in exchange for camera

v. exchange A for B =exchange B with A

exchange greetings

32. excite vt 使兴奋/使冲动 If the loud noise excites the lion, he may attack you.

We are excited to hear the exciting news.

in an excited voice

33.exist vi 存在 There exists no life on the moon.(有…)

existence n. 存在 come into existence 开头存在,建立 be in existence 存在

35. ●expect 意料;渴望;以为,意料,预期,估计

You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a few months.

expect sth of/from sb. expect too much of sb

I except so/ I don’t except so

—-Will you be late? —-I expect so. ( I guess / think so)

As expected, they finished the work ahead of time.

expectation n. 意料,希冀

beyond (all) expectation(s) 出乎意料 contrary to (all) expectations 和意料相反

come up tpo one’s expectations 到达希冀水平 fall short of one’s expectations 没到达希冀

in expectation of 准备(有某种情况) He closed the windows in ~ of rain.

36. experience n 履历(cn) 履历(un) v 履历,体验 experience a different culture

be experienced in sth/doing = have experience in sth/ doing

37. experiment n 实行 make/ do/perform/carry out an experiment

38. ◎expert n. 专家 He is an ~ cook.

adj. 有履历的 be ~ at He is ~ at playing the piano.

39. explain v 表明 explain sth to sb

explanation n 表明

40. ◎exploit vt. 使用, 剥削 In the past, farmers were ~ by landlords.

开采,开发 We must ~ the country s mineral resources

exploitation n.

41. ●explore vt./vi 勘探 explore sth for sth

exploration n. oil exploration

43. ●expose 揭破 报告,揭破(尤指对令人震动的或存心保密的内幕)

My job as a journalist is to expose the truth.

显露He smiled ,exposing a set of amazingly white teeth.

Don’t expose a baby to strong sunlight.

44. express v, 表达; adj, 快的 expression n表达/词句/心情/神色

You are free to express yourselves in class.

have a worried expression on one’s face

45. eye n 眼睛/眼力

have an eye for sth 对…有观赏力 keep an eye on sb/sth 照看/注意

catch one’s eye 吸引注意力

46. face n脸, 心情 v面临,面向,正视

face sth 面朝,面临 be faced with …面临,碰到

47. ●fade vt./vi 褪色,(颜色)阑珊

The sun had faded the curtains.

The curtains had faded in the sun.

fade away (to disappear gradually) her smile /laughter /voice faded away

48. fail v.失败,不及格,阑珊,未产生 failure n, 失败

fail to do sth power failure

fail ( in ) sth words failed me.

fail in doing My eyesight failed.

If rain fails, the farmers will suffer.

I fail to see why you won’t give it a try.

failure. n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success

失败的人或事 The man is a ~. The party was a ~

49. fair adj公平的,相当大的,白净的,明朗的, 金黄的:n.博览会

a fair price/ fair skin/ a fair day /fair hair

fairly pretty

50.fall (fell fallen) n春季,跌倒; v下降,忽然到来; 系动词v进入…形态

fall ill/asleep/silent fall behind

fall over fall to the ground

fall down from../fall off…

A sudden silence fell.

My birthday falls on a Monday this year.

51. ◎fantastic. adj. 极好的 That s an ~idea.

宏大的 a ~ amount of money

怪诞的 a ~dream

52. far adj /adv远的,远地 farther, further ( further表笼统涵义further study)

far from:离…远; 远远不… His work is far from satisfactory.

As/so far as I can see= In my opinion=Personally依我看….

53. fault n 缺陷,弊端 Why should I say sorry when it’s not my fault?

find fault with sb

54. favor n 恩德,利益,帮助

Could you do me a favor?

Can I ask a favor? 请帮个忙好吗?

We are all in favor of the plan.

55. ●feast盛会,宴会

v. feast your eyes

n. a wedding feast

The evening was a real feast for music lovers.

56. feed v 喂养,豢养

They have a large family to feed.

We feed horses on grass.(We feed grass to horses.)

57.feel (felt,felt) vt, link.v 察觉,熟悉到,以为

She couldn’t feel her legs.他的双腿丢失了知觉。

You will feel better after a good night’s sleep.

I am not quite feeling myself today.

We teachers feel strongly that …

The blind man felt his way along the road.

feel like sth/doing sth

58.few n,adj 不多,少数,少数的,

only a few/quite a few/a good few/every few days

I have a few friends here./I have few friends here.

The few friends I made here are all teachers.

59.figure n,v数字,图形,体态,人物

be round in figure 呈圆形 have a good figure 身体好

figure out a problem 算出一道题

I couldn’t figure out who he was.我想不出他是谁。

60.fill vt vi填满,装满

Fill the glass with water.

A big crowd filled the hall.

Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.

fill in the blank/fill in the hole/fill up

61.film n v 影戏,影片,拍摄 develop a film

Everything was covered in a film of dust.

62.find (found,found) 找到,发觉,感受 find one’s way

I find it necessary to find a good map.

When she came to, she found herself lying in bed.

The teacher found herself surrounded by her students.

I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.

63.fire n 火 v射击,开战,开除,扑灭 be on fire for /fire sb

64.fit n切合的衣服adj切合的,胜任的v合适

a good fit/be fit for/be fit to do/keep fit/fit sb well/

think(see) fit to do 以为切合

65.fix v.修葺,安装,确定,决定

Has the date of the meeting been fixed?

The car can’t start—can you fix it?

All the students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard.

This is a fixed phrase.

66. flash n 闪光,转刹时v闪光

Memories flashed through my mind.往事念兹在兹。

a flash of lightning/in a flash

69. ◎flesh. n. 肉 your own ~ and blood 你本人的亲骨血

in the flesh 切身,本人

70. flood n 大水,一大阵 v 吞没

The river is in flood.河水众多。

What a flood of rain.好大一阵雨。

Letters flooded the office.信件多量涌入事情处。

Warmth flooded my heart.我内心暖洋洋的。

71.floor n地板,(议会的)发言权 take the floor发言

live on the third floor have/get the floor取得发言权

72. ◎fluent adj. 流利的 He is ~ in English. He speaks ~ English

fluently adv. fluency n.

73. fly(flew, flown) v 飞,飞行,放,飘,忽然开n 飞行,苍蝇

Birds fly in the sky. A flag flies in the wind.

How time flies.时间飞逝。 The door flew open.门忽然开了。

74. ◎focus. vt. 会合 ~ one s eyes /attention Eyes were ~ed on him

n. 核心,有目共睹的中央

75. follow v 跟随,效仿,跟得上

follow sb up the stairs/follow one’s example/follow this road

in the following years

Their requirements are as follows. Do you follow me?

The teacher came in, followed by some students./following some students.

76.fool n傻子 v玩弄 make a fool of sb fool sb into doing sth All(April)Fools’ Day

77.for ten for a dollar/take sb for a fool/So much for today/

a ticket for tomorrow He is tall for his age

78. ●forbid 克制;不许 ________,_________

forbid sb. from doing forbid sb.to do forbid doing the Forbidden City

79. force v欺压,迫使n 外力

force sb to do sth force sb into doing force one’s way force a smile

82. forget v忘记

forget to do sth/forget doing

Don’t forget me to your mother.

You must do it before you forget it.

Forget about sth 别再想…

Forget it.

83. ●fortune u/n产业;运气 seek one’s fortune make one’s fortune

84. free v自在的,空闲的,无偿的

be free from/of

free of charge/for free/free sb from(of)

a tax-free shop/a smoke-free room

85. freeze vi vt 结冰

Water freezes at zero degrees centigrade.

I am freezing.我快冻僵了。

Smiles froze on her face.愁容在她脸上僵住了。

be frozen/freeze to death

freezing cold/burning hot

86. fresh adj新颖的

fresh air/water/color/news

87. friend n 伙伴 make friends with sb a friend of Mary’s / a friend of mine

friendly adj友好的

88.fun n 幽默的事,文娱,打趣

It is great fun to swim in a pool in summer.

have fun doing just for fun make fun of sb

89. ◎function. n. 功效,作用,职责 the ~ of a chairman.

聚会会议,聚会会议 official ~s

v. 起作用,正常事情 The machine functions well.

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