


英 [st?mp] 美 [st?mp]

n.残株;烟蒂;讲演台 v.受窘;踏步;演说


?Usage Examples

(1) Just before starting the driver picked up in the street a stump of a cigar an inch long, and put it in his mouth.

(2) He went on the stump in his home state.

(3) I’m stumped: I just don’t know what to do.

(4) He stumped angrily out of the room.

(5) The candidate for governor will stump the state.

(6) She doesn’t have enough funds to stump the country.

(1) 临动身前,赶车的在陌头捡了截一英寸长的雪茄烟蒂,塞在嘴里。

(2) 他到故乡地点的州去公布演说。

(3) 我很为难,几乎不知怎样是好。

(4) 他愤慨地跺着脚走出了房间。

(5) 那位市长候选人将走遍该州,到处公布政治演说。

(6) 她没有充足的资金到举国作巡回政治演说。

?Usage notes

There are three ways to stump: you can ask someone a question they can’t answer, you can travel making political speeches, or you can stomp.

Stump can mean many things as a verb. The most common use is when someone — like a teacher — asks a question that no one can answer. That’s a case of the teacher stumping the class. Also, politicians traveling through a district, making speeches are stumping, giving what are called stump speeches. Once in a while, to stump means the same thing as two similar words, stomp and stamp. If you’re stumping, stomping, and stamping around, you’re making a lot of noise with your feet.


1. [N-COUNT 可数名词]剩余局部;残段;残根 A stump is a small part of something that remains when the rest of it has been removed or broken off. [usu with supp]

If you have a tree stump, check it for fungus…


The tramp produced a stump of candle from his deep pockets.


2. [N-COUNT 可数名词](板球三柱门的)柱 In cricket, the stumps are the three wooden sticks that are placed upright in the ground to form the wicket.

3. [VERB 动词]把…难住;难倒;使…一筹莫展 If you are stumped by a question or problem, you cannot think of any solution or answer to it. [be V-ed] [V n]

John is stumped by an unexpected question…


Well, maybe I stumped you on that one.


4. [VERB 动词]迈着极重的步子走;跺着脚走 If you stump somewhere, you walk there with heavy steps. [V prep/adv] [LITERARY 文]

The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.


5. [VERB 动词](在推举前)作巡回演说,游说 If politicians stump the country or stump for a candidate, they travel around making campaign speeches before an election. [V n] [V for n] [Also V] [mainly AM 主美]

When candidates went stumping around the country, people traveled for miles on foot, by horse, by carriage to hear them speak…


He was in Georgia stumping for Senator Wyche Fowler, a Democrat.


6. [PHRASE 短语](推举前)作巡回演说,在游说 If politicians are on the stump, they are campaigning for an election. [usu v-link PHR] [mainly AM 主美]

The presidential candidates are on the stump today.


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