

1, argue with sb about sth 与或人争论关于某事

He is arguing with his parents about his holiday 他正在就他的假期和他的爸妈争论

2, move off 动身

Let’s move off at dawn 让我们在破晓的时分动身

3, lead a。。。。life过着。。。的生存

You can lead a happy life 你可以过着一个兴奋的生存

4, crowd in涌上心头

Many good songs crowded in upon my mind 很多很好的歌曲涌上我的心头

5, in support of 支持

I am in support of you 我支持你

6, look down on sb 瞧不起

Don’t look down on you 不要瞧不起你本人

7, refer to 谈到

I often refer to my hometown 我常常谈到我的故乡

8, by chance 可巧

I met my friends by chance 我可巧遇见我的伙伴

9, come across 偶遇

Maybe I can come across some beauties on the street 约莫我能在街上偶遇一些玉人

10, deliver 。。。to 。。。把某物交给或人

I can deliver your book to you 我能把你的书交给你

11, carry on 持续

Let’s carry on our plan 让我们持续我们的方案

12, in connection with 与。。。有接洽

He is in connection with the girl 他和这个女孩有接洽

13, in one’s childhood 在。。。的童年

In my childhood ,I used to play basketball 在我的童年,我已往常常打篮球

14, give sb an entertainment to sb 招待或人

I can give you an entertainment here 我能在这里招待你

15, in an emergency 碰到告急情况时

You must be calm in an emergency你在碰到告急情况时,你必需冷静

16 out of kindness 出于盛情

He can help you out of kindness 他出于盛情协助你

17.take into consideration 思索到

I will take your advice into consideration 我会把你的发起思索一下的

18,in the consideration of 思索到

It is in the consideration of my plan 它在我的方案的思索范围

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