他的爱好是打篮球英文(人教版七上Unit 8习题,掌握特殊疑问词的用法,轻松应对考试)

人教版七上Unit 8习题,把握特别疑问词的用法,轻松应对测验

Unit 8 When is your birthday单位综合

一. 用所给词的准确情势填空 (10分)

Today is her ____________(eight) birthday. 2. This is ________________(I) mother.

3. Let’s ________________(watch) TV. 4. That ______________(sound) good.

5. Do you ______________(like) basketball? 6. She is _______________(shop).

7. Henry _______________(have) a penfriend. 8. I have a pair of _______________(sock).

9. These are my ____________(photo). 10. There __________(be) a baseball and some books on the desk.

二. 选择准确答案(15分)

( )11. Li Ming’s birthday is ___ April 11. A. on B. at C. in D. of

( )12. My birthday is ___ March. A. on B. at C. in D. of

( )13. When were you born? I was born ___.

A. September, 1989 B. in July 7,1989 C. in November 4 D. on June 1, 1989

( )14. The boy is only ___. Today is his ___ birthday.A. five; five B. fifth; five C. fifth; five D. five; fifth

( )15. ____ today? It’s Monday.A. What day is B. What’s the date C. When is D. How is

( )16. He gets a lot of presents ___ Christmas. A. in B. on C. at D. to

( )17. September is the ___ month of a year. A. nineth B. nine C. ninth D. nineteenth

( )18.___ is the fourth month of a year. A. January B. February C. March D. April

( )19. There are ___ months in a year. A. twenty B. twelve C. twelfth D. twentieth

( )20.—____ is New Year’s Day? ––It’s January 1st.

A. What B. When C. How D. Which

( )21. Sunday is the ___ day of a week. A. third B. second C. first D. last

( )22. This is our ___ test this term. A. three B. third C. the third D. No. 3

( )23. Students don’t go to school ___ Sundays. A. in B. at C. on D. to

( )24. Is it ___ today? A. Mother’s Day B. Mothers’ Day C. Mothers Day D. Mother Day

( )25. My father was born ___ 1949. A. in B. at C. on D. to

三. 就划线局部发问(10分)

26. The chorus competition is on May 4. _________ _____________ on May 4?

March is the third month of a year. __________ _____________ is the third month of a year?

28. The English Party is in October. _____________ is the English Party?

29. There are twelve months in a year. _________ ________ months are there in a year?

30. Denis likes tennis _______ ________ Denis __________?

四. 用所给首字母的单词填空(10分)

31) J_________ 1 s t is New Year’s Day. Women’s Day is on March the eighth. The 32) f_________ of May is May Day. China’s Youth Day comes 33) a__________ it. It’s on the 34) t_________ day after May Day. 35) C___________ Day is on June the first. July 1 is our Party’s birthday. August the first is the Army Day. China 36) T______________ Day is on the 37)t___________ of September and 38)O______________ 1 is our National Day. Then we come to 39) C_______________ Day. It’s on December 25.Then we have winter 40)h_____________ in February. We have a lot of fun on these days.

五. 完形填空(10分)

The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually 41)_ in February. Everyone in 42)______ likes the Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually 43) his parents clean their house and do some 44)_ and other housework . 45) that day 46)__ in China eats 47)__ , New Year’s cake some other 48)__ food . Li Lei like New Year’s cake , but Wang Lin says jiaozi is better than New Year’s cake. The Chinese people 49) the New Year’s cake and jiaozi in their houses. 50) ___ happy they are!

( ) 41.A. come B. gets C. comes D. goes

( ) 42.A. America B. China C. England D. Australia

( ) 43.A. asks B. tells C. carries D. helps

( ) 44.A. Cleaning B. fishing C. reading D. shopping

( ) 45.A. On B. In C. Of D. At

( ) 46.A. everyone B. someone C. no one D. everything

( ) 47.A. eggs B. meat C. jiaozi D. mooncakes

( ) 48.A. delicious B. good C. fast D.best

( ) 49.A. eat B. do C. buy D. sell

( ) 50.A. Much B. Ve

ry C. What D. How

六. 阅读了解(20分)


Mr Wu: Good morning, Bruce. Sit down, please. Ma

y I ask you some questions?

Bruce: Certainly. What do you want to know?

Mr Wu: First, When were you born, Bruce?

Bruce: On June 22,1980.

Mr Wu: Secondly, where were you born?

Bruce: In Sydney, Australia.

Mr Wu: Where was your father born?

Bruce: He was born in Sydney, too.

Mr Wu: When was he born?

Bruce: Sorry, I don’t know. But I know he’s about forty years old.

Mr Wu: I s

ee. What does your father do?

Bruce: He’s a doctor. He works in a hospital here.

Mr Wu: Is your mother working in China, too?

Bruce: No, she works in Sydney. She’s coming to China soon.

Mr Wu: Oh, that’s very good. I have no more q

uestions. Thank you, Bruce.

Bruce: You’re welcome, Nr Wu. Good-bye.

Mr Wu: Good-bye.

( ) 51. When was Bruce Born? ___________________

A. On July 22 B. In 1980 C. In July D. On June 23

( ) 52.Where was Bruce born? ____________________

B. In China B. In Australia C. In America D. In England

( ) 53.When was Bruce’s father born? __________________

C. In 1962 B. In 1952 C. In 1965 D. In 1955

( ) 54. What does his father do? _____________________

D. He’s a worker. B. He’s a teacher. C’ He’s a doctor. D. It doesn’t tell us.

( ) 55. Where is Bruce’s mother working now? _________________

A. In China B. In Australia C. In America D. In England

B)阅读下列约请函并回复成绩 (10分)

56. When is Ann’s party ?

57. At what time is it going to start?

58. Where is she going to have her party?

59. What’s her telephone number?

60. What’s her address?

七. 依据以下情况填写表格,然后写一篇短篇先容你的这位笔友(10分)



B)写短篇先容,开头已给出 (5分)

I have a good penfriend. Let me

tell you something about him.


Unit 8答案

一. 用所给词的准确情势填空 (10分)

1.eighth 2. my 3. watch 4. sounds 5. like

6. shopping 7. has 8. socks 9. photos 10. is

二. 选择准确答案(15分)11~15 ACDDA 16~20 CCDBB 21~25 CBCAA

三. 就划线局部发问(10分)

26. What ; is 27.Which/What ; month 28.When

29. How ; many 30.What ; does ; like

四. 用所给首字母的单词填空(10分)

30. January 32. first 33.after 34.third 35.Children

36.Teachers’ 37.

tenth 38. October 39.Christmas 40.holidays.

五. 完形填空(10分)41~45 CBAAA 46~50 ACAAD

六. 阅读了解(20分)

51~55 BBACB

56. It’s Sunday, February 16th.

57. At 4:30.

58. At Flat 13A, Dong Qian Building.

59. It’s 890621.

61. Flat 13A, Dong Qian Building.

七. 依据以下情况填写表格,然后写一篇短篇先容你的这位笔友(10分)


B) I have a good penfriend. Let me tell you something about him. His name is Li Hua. He has an English name. It is Tony. He is a middle school student in Class Two, Grade One of No. 1 Middle School. He is 13 years old now. He was born in Shenzhen, Guangdong. His birthday is August the twentieth. He likes playing basketball and listening to music. He often plays basketball with his classmates after school. His favourite subject is English and he likes playing computer games best. I like to write to him. He is my good friend.

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